When you purchase an income producing property or a rental or commercial property or have one constructed for you, you are entitled to claim Tax Deductions for property depreciation on plant (Fitting and Fixtures) and special building write off allowances (where constructed after July 1985).
When you purchase an investment property which is part of a body corporate structure you also own a share of the common property which will substantially increase your deductions.
For residential investment properties, we have completed property depreciation schedules for houses, townhouse developments, small to large unit blocks as well as retirement village developments Australia wide.
Once we have been commissioned by you to prepare your property depreciation schedule, we inspect your property to ensure that every dollar of your legitimate deductions is claimed by doing a thorough and comprehensive report.
Discounted fees may apply where economies of scale can be achieved if we are commissioned to prepare property depreciation schedules for multiple properties. For a specific quote feel free to contact us.
Our fee structure for residential properties in the Brisbane area is as follows:
Houses constructed for you, where you have copies of the construction contract and floor plans discounts may apply. $550.00 inc GST
Existing Houses and Units in small complexes. $660.00 inc GST
Units in large complexes. $770.00 inc GST